Hygiene Brush Line Aricasa

A constantly growing diffusion of food-related diseases regarding the agricultural and food industry, has created the necessity in these last decades of a production of specific cleaning tools for the food industry and for all those professional workplaces where hygiene is priority. “ARICASA” hygiene products – is the new range of products that ARISTON, with 50 years of experience in the brush industry for home cleaning, purposes to offer the market that requires a comprehensive range of products capable of satisfying the specific demands in food and professional hygiene. All products in the “ARICASA” hygiene line are manufactured according to the following international regulations:

  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points) developed by the US Department of Agriculture.
  • HACCP is a prevention-based system developed to help the food industry identify weak points or situations in order to prevent and/or reduce food contamination.
  • EC Food Hygiene Directive (1993).
  • US Public Health Service Food Code (1993).
  • FEIBP Charter for Professional Hygiene Brushware as a guarantee of compliance of components utilized.